Sunday, May 31, 2009

Paging Dr. Galt

Hugh Hewitt's argument against Obamacare is that thousands of doctors will simply retire or leave practice if it passes, causing such a critical shortage of physicians that America's life expectancy will decrease precipitously, and that Blue Dog Dems must be made to understand that they have to rise up and kill the bill before it reaches the Senate in order to save America.

Whatever happened to "First, do no harm?" Thousands upon thousands of docs will "Go Galt" if Obamacare passes? I understand and sympathize that being a doctor is arguably the most important job out there, with life and death hanging in the balance on a daily basis.

But I'm supposed to believe doctors will simply quit being doctors because Americans without insurance options are given insurance options?

If it really is all about the money, then retiring early seems rather stupid, doesn't it?

It's illogical GOP fearmongering, like everything else they do.

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