Friday, May 8, 2009

A Place Of Our Own

Over at Hullabaloo, Digby pens a must-read article explaining the GOP state sovereignty movement.
Trying to keep up with GOP hypocrisy is difficult even in the best of times, but these days it's so pervasive it will give you a migraine just trying to sort out the most egregious from the merely laughable. The examples are flowing now that their eight year reign is over. I think one of the most interesting is their retreat to states' rights after the greatest expanse of not just Federal, but executive, power in history. It's quite a leap in just a few months, but they seem to be making the seamless transition that only a truly incoherent movement can make --- no shame or even awareness of their hypocrisy plagues them.

The New York Times touches on this rebuilding of the states' rights and secession movement today, indicating that it's having some problems since most people don't know what in the hell these weirdos are going on about. But it's an old old strain in American politics that asserts itself when the Conservative Southern Party shrinks to its essence.(Conservative isn't really the right word, of course, but it's the oxymoronic label most people now attach to this political rump. These people are radicals, always have been.)
The thing to remember is that this is the same party that demanded just months ago that we give unquestioning loyalty to Bush because he was President of OUR United States of America, but now that Barack Obama is in charge, the Government is the incarnation of everything evil. The rampant spending Bush demanded has now become "wasteful porkulus". The powers Bush told us we needed to let him have are now proof of the "Fascist Obama State". The best part is the same Republicans who didn't bat an eyelash when Bush did these things are now in screaming apoplexy about Obama.

The deranged, irrational hatred these people have for Democrats is stunning. They hate Barack Obama so much that they are willing to risk splitting the union because they don't like him.

Bush on the other hand? The Great Uniter.

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