Thursday, May 14, 2009

They Still Have No Clue

The GOP is convinced they have a secret weapon against climate change legislation...the intolerability of $2.30 gasoline!

Republicans believe that rising gas prices are their trump card against a Democratic-sponsored climate change bill.

The GOP is struggling to regain footing after two successive electoral blowouts, but party leaders are relishing an opportunity to debate what they call a “national energy tax.”

The Democrats’ plan of moving a cap-and-trade bill this summer plays into GOP hands because as the cost of gasoline spikes, so does the public’s awareness of energy prices, Republican leadership aides say.

Rep. Adam Putnam (R-Fla.), the former House GOP conference chairman, said that the cost of gas is not likely to hit last summer’s national high of $4 a gallon, but he noted that oil prices have been creeping up recently.

Putnam said most Americans want to increase oil production, not restrict consumption, adding, “At some point, gas prices become a very potent political weapon again.”

Troy Green, spokesman for AAA, said that the cost of gas generally rises in the summer: “This is typically the time of year when we see the price of gas rise — the spring/summer run-up.”

Last month the national average price per gallon of self-serve gas was $2.05; now it is $2.27.

Republicans, who have been playing defense on housing, credit card reform and healthcare, claim they have a huge political advantage on energy.

Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) said, “As news comes in that arctic sea ice is at an eight-year record high and the trend of cooling in the Northern Hemisphere extends, it would appear the climate for the Democrats’ cap-and-trade bill isn’t very good. Timing the vote to coincide with the beginning of the summer spike in vacation travel and gas prices is just as logical. The issue is, can Democrat leaders convince [the] rank and file to vote irrationally?”
Yes, because Americans have clearly completely forgotten how their friends the Republicans and their buddies in the oil business speculated America right into $5 a gallon gas last summer, so Republicans have a clear advantage on energy...

Oh wait, they don't.
Republicans are widely viewed by the public as less competent than Democrats to handle issue ranging from health care to education and energy, according to internal polling presented to top GOP officials in Congress.

The same survey found President Barack Obama holds the support of a significant minority of self-described conservative, independent voters.

The Associated Press obtained partial results of the survey, which was conducted in late March by New Models, a firm with close ties to Republicans. GOP lawmakers in Congress have generally opposed Obama's early legislative agenda, voting with near unanimity against economic stimulus legislation and unanimously against a White House-backed budget that cleared Congress on Wednesday.

The survey found the public holds greater confidence in Democrats than in Republicans in handling most of the issues that are involved in Obama's legislative agenda.

Democrats were favored by a margin of 61 percent to 29 percent on education; 59 percent to 30 percent on health care and 59 percent to 31 percent on energy. Congress is expected to consider major legislation later this year in all three areas.

Democats were also viewed with more confidence in handling taxes, long a Republican strong suit. The only issue among nine in the survey where the two parties were rated as even was in the war on terror.

The GOP's own poll numbers show that Democrats have a nearly 2 to 1 advantage on energy among voters and enjoy a major advantage on nearly everything else.

But the Republicans are still convinced "Drill baby drill" is going to win for them, thanks to the power of gas that might hit $3 a gallon. They are convinced that pretending global warming is a myth is still going to win them over young voters, smart voters, and environmentally concerned religious voters.

Even funnier, it's the fiscally concerned House Republicans pushing the actual carbon tax as a bi-partisan effort.

They still have no clue.

[UPDATE] Cap-and-trade legislation is back on the table moving ahead out of the negotiation phase and into a final House bill phase.

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