Friday, May 15, 2009

What Atrios Said

The ease Republicans have in shifting the conversation from "torture is illegal" to "NANCY KNEW," as if the latter, even if true, in any way changed the former. They kick the soccer ball, and the press follows. After all these years I'm not entirely sure why that is, but there you are. And, you know, disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has precisely zero power but his every pronouncement is treated as Incredibly Important News. Any journalists want to explain why?
And yet, the same media players who think the job of political reporting means "America has an absolute right to know what every Republican thinks about every little thing" are the same ones who can't figure out why their circulation and ratings have fallen precipitously.

When you're more interested in pretending 21% of America equals the vast majority of media consumers, don't be surprised when the other 79% ignores you.

[UPDATE] What Josh Marshall said, too.
Here's where we are. There are various documents and recollections from around through the news ether. Pelosi's accusers are saying she knew more than she admits. She says that many of these claims are false and the documents perhaps erroneous, and that she's been consistent and true to her opposition to torture. And then she says, and I think there should be a broad-ranging Truth Commission to investigate what happened, who's telling the truth and who isn't. You can see it here at about 3:45 in.

That says it all. She wants it all investigated. The whole point of this storm about Pelosi is that her critics want her to be embarrassed and stop supporting a Truth Commission or any sort of examination of what happened. But she's not. She still says there should be an investigation. Her critics still want the book closed. That says it all. She'll have to stand or fall with the results of an actual investigation. Her opponents on this are simply risible hypocrites.

It doesn't matter if anyone actually tortured anybody and the Speaker of the House is calling for a massive investigation to prove she is right cause NANCY IS A LIAR, see?

There doesn't need to be an investigation. We can take it as fact that NANCY IS A LIAR simply because the Republicans say she is...and that's good enough for our liberal media. As far as they are concerned, the case is closed, baby.

It seems my clever plan for the Republicans to immolate themselves in the truth has fallen prey to the fact that the media wants nothing to do with immolating Republicans.

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