Wednesday, June 17, 2009

But What About Zombie Reagan?

Bless John Cole's heart.
One of the most irritating things about the current Iranian uprising is that I’ve seen a spate of WWRD (What Would Ronnie Do?) posts all over the place. I’m not on my normal computer, so I don’t have my browser history to help me, but I know there was one or two at Hot Air, I know I’ve seen them at the NRO, and I’m pretty sure there was one at Commentary magazine. At any rate, you know what Reagan would do? Nothing. Why? Because he’s dead.
Thank you. Should have been said a long time ago, especially when House Republicans are comparing Iranian protesters fighting a rigged election against a police state regime to...brave House Republicans.

[UPDATE] The stupid rolls on. Iran's state TV is accusing the US of interfering with Iran's elections, and the Wingers say this vindicates their position that Obama should go ahead and interfere with Iran's elections.
Obama has tiptoed on eggshells regarding the sudden onslaught of demonstrations and oppression, apparently believing that his lack of public effort on behalf of the protestors would win him brownie points with the Iranian mullahs. Obviously, Obama got this wrong, and it shows the naiveté of his entire approach on foreign policy, especially in the Middle East. Obama believes that our troubles there spring from American arrogance rather than the brutal, oppressive regimes that rule the area. His apology tour was designed to make America look humble and contrite, and Obama believes that will win the respect of dictators and kleptocrats.
Because nothing will help more than the leader of the Great Satan to be broadcast all over Iran saying what a horrible guy Ahmedinejad is, reminding everyone there of the last eight years in the Bush School Of Nifty Middle East Relation Improvement.

That's worked out wonderfully so far.

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