Monday, June 1, 2009

Knocking Heads On The Norks

Ahh, good to see our neocon buddies are more than willing to have us get into our third fourth ahh screw it next war, this time with North Korea.
In light of North Korea's recent nuclear and missile tests, international leaders are pondering how best to proceed, weighing a series of unsatisfying options. On Fox News yesterday, Bill Kristol presented the same idea he always presents when faced with a national security challenge.

Kristol explained, "I don't rule out the possibility of us deciding -- and I think it might be wise for us to decide -- to knock out a few. They're apparently rolling a long-term missile to a base to test another one, long-range missile to test another one. You know, it might be worth doing some targeted air strikes to show the North Koreans, instead of always talking about, 'Gee, there could be consequences,' to show that they can't simply keep going down this path."

Brit Hume, on the same program, endorsed Kristol's proposal, but said he "can't imagine" the Obama administration actually launching a military strike on North Korea. (They follow Newt Gingrich, who began urging strikes in April, calling on the administration to use "lasers" to attack North Korea.)

Matt Yglesias noted, "Kristol doesn't even attempt to say what he thinks this will accomplish. He just kind of tosses it out there for no reason because arguing that the United States should start wars is what he does."

Yeah, let's just send a few missiles into Pyongyang. I'm sure that'll shut Kim Jong-Il up real fast, before he decides to start lobbing his own nifty missiles at other Asian capitals.

Also, that won't draw China into this mess with their huge army and their own missiles and air force or anything. But the Village Neocons do love their wars so. What's another conflict when you have three on your plate already? Just add to the Pentagon budget.

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