Friday, June 5, 2009

Reactions And Overreactions To Obama's Cairo Speech

After 24 hours, the reactions to Obama's speech at Cairo University were mostly positive...unless you were a conservative pro-Israeli pundit, apparently. Then it was the worst speech ever given.

Ira Stoll @ Commentary:
During the campaign I had actually defended Obama against those who felt he would be a disaster for Israel. This speech makes me think that may have been a mistake. The only chance now is that this speech will be mere rhetoric, like so much in the Middle East, intended only for public consumption. But if Obama really means it, it is bad news for the Jews in Israel and America, not to mention for American national security.
Michael Rubin @ National Review:
Obama studiously avoids the word democracy. Instead, he declared, "That does not lessen my commitment, however, to governments that reflect the will of the people." Dictators of the world, relax: Stage a spontaneous demonstration to demonstrate popular adulation; don't worry about those pesky votes.
Stephen Hayes @ Weekly Standard:
What's so vexing about Obama's gleeful rejection of American exceptionalism (again) in the context of American power is that he embraces it in other ways. The United States, he frequently argues, must lead by example. Americans must close Guantanamo and end torture, he says, because "we must never alter our principles" or "act contrary to our ideals." And those principles and ideals make America something worth emulating -- they make it exceptional.
Caroline Glick @ National Review:
From an Israeli perspective, Pres. Barack Obama’s speech today in Cairo was deeply disturbing. Both rhetorically and programmatically, Obama’s speech was a renunciation of America’s strategic alliance with Israel.
If you're taking all this from a speech Obama gave, you're trying to dislike him too hard, guys. But as honest as their disagreement with the President is, it's tame compared to some opinions of Obama's speech in Cairo.

Let's not forget how some Israelis and American Jews on the street in Jerusalem feel about our President, either (language warning, NSFW.)

The battle is just beginning. Obama will no longer give Israel a blank check, and the backlash will only get worse. That video is pretty shocking and as always, stuff like that is supposed to supply badly needed perspective and exposure.

Seeing educated American kids like that throw around such brutal hate is eye-opening...but not surprising. I've been warning about this for months now. There are people who so hate Barack Obama they will never listen to him, and never allow him to press for peace in the Middle East.

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