Friday, July 3, 2009

Banana Republicans

I'd be much more willing to listen to the Right on the issue of Honduras if they hadn't all decided that the correct course of action was not "let's analyze the situation here and decide how we should proceed" but "Whatever Obama is doing has to be the wrong horse to back in this fight."

I originally said it looked like Zalaya tried to pull a Hugo Chavez and was deposed for it. However, with the UN and OAS backing Zalaya as the rightful President, I'd argue that he should at least be allowed to finish his term, or hey, let's go through the legal proceeding to impeach the guy (if that exists in Honduras).

Having the military grab the guy out of bed in his nightclothes and exiling him to Costa Rica is in fact not something done in a actual democracy. If he's a powermongering scuzzbag, vote him out of office. Replace him with somebody better.

You can't say "Well, Zalaya's in the wrong because he had no respect for the rule of law" and then institute a replacement President because you don't like him. That's just as illegal and undemocratic. Obama's right to oppose Zalaya's ouster.

Zalaya may be trying to grab power, but he's not arresting people who don't agree with them and exiling them to other countries.

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