Friday, July 3, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

The Kroog asks:

This morning’s Wall Street Journal opinion section contains a lot of what one expects to see. There’s an opinion piece making a big fuss over the fake scandal at the EPA. There’s an editorial claiming that the latest job figures prove the failure of Obama’s economic plan — something I dealt with in the Times. All of this follows on yesterday’s editorial asserting that the Minnesota senatorial election was stolen.

All of this is par for the course; the WSJ editorial page has been like this for 35 years. Nonetheless, it got me wondering: what do these people really believe?

I mean, they’re not stupid — life would be a lot easier if they were. So they know they’re not telling the truth. But they obviously believe that their dishonesty serves a higher truth — one that is, in effect, told only to Inner Party members, while the Outer Party makes do with prolefeed.

The question is, what is that higher truth? What do these people really believe in?
See GOP Plan, The there Paul.

It really is all about looting the country and setting up somebody else, in this case Barack Obama, to take the fall. It always has been.

What they believe is that they are entitled to all the money and power and decision-making ability, and that we are entitled to give it to them and to be grateful for the Divine Right Of Conservatives.


  1. hey Zander - you must of forgotten that murdoch bought the wsj - you know, NewsCorpse---> Faux 'news'

  2. Actually, Krug forgot even worse, since he said it was like this for 35 years... it really hasn't been as bad as since that fateful day.
