Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Al Franken is an ex-Saturday Night Live cast member who turned his scathing liberal political commentary into a successful run at being United States Senator, in the tradition of Minnesota's Paul Wellstone. Al was finally sworn in yesterday, by the way, when everyone was busy watching Michael Jackson still being dead.

It's only fair that Wingers try the same path. I am therefore convinced that Victoria Jackson is an ex-Saturday Night Live cast member who is trying to turn her, um, batshit crazy political commentary into a successful run at being Minnesota's Michele Bachmann.


  1. I followed your link to Victoria Jackson's... um... "article"? Beat poetry? Stream-of-consciousness rant? Whatever it was.

    My brain attempted to hang itself. When that didn't work, it decided it had had enough and wanted a trial separation from my optic nerve. It left through my ears, taking the kids and the dog with it.

    I'm sending you the hospital bill.

  2. I say again: either this wacknut turn for Victoria Jackson is a work of performance art genius, or it's a colossal self parody. Either way, it's the first time she's made me laugh since 1986.

  3. It really is a glorious train wreck of a thing.
