Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Calling Them Like He Sees Them

There is the usual OUTRAGE!!!11 from the usual suspects over this video (via Real Clear Politics) of Indiana Blue Dog Dem Baron Hill referring to the Town Hall Blitzers as "political terrorists."
"They have only one purpose in mind and that's to blow up the meetings that are being held and that serves no one, ladies and gentlemen," said Hill.

Hill recently called them political terrorists, a term he avoided in his speech but not in a 24-Hour News 8 interview.

"If you just want to blow up a meeting that's a political terrorist," said Hill.
Not the best choice of words, frankly. But then again, it's Republicans who defined the act of "political terrorism" as trying to affect policy change of a government entity through violence or the threat of violence.

You know, stuff like sending threatening faxes to Democrats and calling their office with death threats and hanging Congressmen in effigy in order to try to stop health care reform.

The GOP keeps pulling this garbage, and then DEMANDS an APOLOGY when Democrats have the balls to call them on the fact they are freely engaging nutbars.

Just like yesterday. Just like the day before. They'll DEMAND an APOLOGY NOW!!! again tomorrow when they find another Democrat willing to call it like they see it, with all the false indignation they can muster. They will then complain that their side of the story isn't being heard.

Meanwhile, they'll push more outrageous lies and ludicrous slander across the airwaves and the internet and claim it's the truth that needs to be heard, and woe betide anyone who interferes with their right to claim Obama is trying to euthanize their children or Grandpa and Grandma or put them all in internment camps.

They have decided that if they cannot control the country, then they will paralyze America's democratic process to prevent the Democrats from accomplishing anything, taking the country's political and media debate hostage until their demands are met.

So tell me, where exactly is Baron Hill wrong in his assessment, per se? Seems to me the man is correct .

He's calling them like he sees them.

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