Thursday, August 27, 2009

Democrats Sappin' My Bodily Fluids

Dave "Birther Watch" Weigel catches the GOP scaring the crap out of their own again.

I just chatted with Raymond Denny, the 64-year-old La Center, Wash., man who received the RNC’s “2009 Future of American Health Survey,” which alleged that President Obama’s health reform plans might discriminate against Republicans. Here’s the survey question:

Picture 59

“I’ve been getting these things for years,” said Denny, who opened the letter with his wife Louise, “getting them from the Republicans, getting them from the Democratic Party, usually with the wrong name on it. This thing says I’m a sustaining member. They word these things to solicit the answer they wanted. This one here we looked at and said, “Wow, that’s way beyond the pale of what should be done.”

So, Republicans are sending out surveys to people asking them if they should be concerned about Democrats using government health care to kill all Republicans. This is basically an official Republican survey here, folks. This is going out to millions of Americans, questions like "Does it concern you that the liberal media has gone to unprecedented levels to only give Obama's views on health care and no one else's?" (Nice touch, refusing to call him President Obama) and "Rationing of health care in countries with socialized medicine has led to patients dying because they were forced to wait too long to receive treatment. Are you concerned that this would be inevitable in the U.S. under the Democrats' plan?"

Gotta love how fair and balanced THAT is. As Digby says,

How long is everyone going to deny just how fucking crazy mainstream Republicanism has become? And when are people going to start asking seriously where this is headed?
I've been asking that for months now. The inevitable, logical endpoint of all this the Tree of Liberty getting some fresh transfusions of blood, of course.

The Wingers are running the party now, and they are baying for blood. It's only a question of when the next victims will be hurt or killed while the crazies yell "You damn liberals called Bush Hitler too!" while reloading.

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