Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If Racism Charges Don't Convince People...

...that Barack Obama is the most evil man in history, then go with charges that his administration is anti-semitic as TNR's Marty Peretz goes nuclear. (Via Yggy)
I give him the benefit of a doubt. He may not himself have made the decision to honor the contemptible Mary Robinson, arguably a real bigot, with the Medal of Freedom. But, then, there is someone in his entourage who is leading him astray, gravely astray. And that someone has it in for Israel and for American Jews, too. The fact is that there is only so much that can be explained.
And what's Marty's problem with the former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson?
She was the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights when the commission began to specialize in the practice of supporting governmental repression and calling it freedom--as, frankly, Obama has done with the burqa, also in Cairo. But Robinson's biggest role on the world stage was as chair of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban. She planned it, she mostly ran it and she is responsible for that Witch's Sabbath of hate against both Israel and America, actually the west and western values in general and in particular. Since then, she has been doing the time-consuming NGO thing, talking mostly to one another and soliciting grants from American foundations.
Ahh yes, the famous Durban Conference, where the world dared to tell Israel that collective punishment of the Palestinian people might in fact be wrong, and Israel was protested against. Israel demanded that the US and EU walk out, and they did...doing the same thing 8 years later. Criticism of Israel is not allowed, you see.

For presiding over the conference where the delegates decided that Israel had been held to a different world standard, Mary Robinson is a bigot and an anti-semite. For giving her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Obama is an implied anti-semite too...excuse me, being "led astray" by the anti-semites in his administration, which actually means he's worse than an anti-semite, he's being duped into it and isn't intelligent enough to realize it.

That seems a bit of a stretch, yes? We're back to insulting Obama's intelligence and the pernicious "Blacks vs Jews" canard that has been used to divide and conquer for decades now by people who really ARE anti-semites.

Given Marty Peretz's neo-con history, I can surely understand him not agreeing with the President's current position on Israeli settlements. But to go over to the dark side on this taxes what little credibility the guy had left.

Behold, the Pretty Hate Machine rears its head at TNR once again.

1 comment:

  1. It's not collective punishment when it's done to Palestinians! They are evil. The culture is rotten! They, they, they ... oh wait.

    Peretz is a dyed in the wool blind ass neocon who couldn't see a fault in the Israeli regime if it was tatooed on his forehead and you gave him a mirror.
