Friday, August 14, 2009

Last Call

I leave you with a cheery thought from one of Josh Marshall's readers this evening:
Watching the current "debate" over healthcare reform, I find myself in the strange position of giving thanks for John McCain. His behavior during the election was anything but classy, but he did refuse to take that final step of endorsing the fully crazy wingut memes (Obama is a Kenyan Muslim terrorist, etc.) even though certain folks were urging him to go there. When I see how easily the "death panel" and other completly-divorced-from-reality memes have taken hold of the public and the media, I can't help but wonder if such crap would have propelled McCain to victory, if he had chosen to embrace it. Oh, the irony: McCain's last shred of integrity saved us from a McCain presidency.

Even if this isn't true, you can bet this is the lesson the GOP will take into 2012. What we're seeing right now is a preview of the election (God help us).

Case in point however: for this to be a preview of the election, one has to assume that we don't have wall-to-wall birther lunacy for the next 39 months in the meantime. I mean yes, I fully expect the entire year of 2012 to be taken up by Rasmussen and Public Policy Polling polls showing X% of group Y in location Z still believe Obama is really a Replicator colony from Stargate SG-1 or a Super Skrull or a T-1000 or Tron 2.0 or some crap. The question is, how much of 2009-2011 will be taken up by it?

Also, Democratic Rep. Jack Murtha says there won't be a health care bill before January 2010.

However, an influential Democratic representative said the House would only pass a health care bill in January or later, signaling continuing rifts within Obama's party on his domestic priority for 2009.

"We're taking some time to make sure it's done right," said Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania. "I don't know that we'll get something done before January, and even then we may not get it done. We're going to do it right when it's finally done."

And Jack Murtha there just gave the game away early. It's laughable. The Democrats have a 77 seat margin in the House and 60-40 in the Senate and a still popular President (let's keep in mind the last guy was in the 20's here) and they are telling the people who voted for them that "sorry, we cannot pass legislation you wanted for at least another 5 months entire election cycle or longer." Maybe then, huh?

Meanwhile, we get to put up with 39 more months of Obama is a illegal alien usurper fascist articles from people who will claim "Well, at some point you said Bush was evil, so that absolves us forever from what we're going to do to Obama, libs! Deal with it! We win!"

And the wise old Democrats of Washington and the Village talking heads will go "Gosh, they're right you know" and let the Republicans do whatever the hell they want with no penalty or no resistance.

Me, I'm going to bed to read. Have a nice evening.


  1. In the last election I was half-hoping for a McCain win, because his worst instincts would have been neutralized by the Democrats in Congress, and his being the Prez would have likely increased Dem majorities in both chambers. And, moreover, he would have had to embrace policies inimical to movement conservatives, which would either split the GOP or reform it as a more moderate, pragmatic party. My thinking was that McCain-Palin in 2008 was the lesser evil than whatever combination the GOP will throw up in 2012, and given the limp-wristed Democratic governance so far (let's face it, as of right now it is doubtful we will see meaningful health care reform or climate legislation or much change in national security policies, all because of lack of willingness to lead by the top Dems, Obama included), Obama will be hard-pressed to win his re-election. Realistically, what kind of a record is he going to have? I suppose the Obama team is placing its bets on a timely economic recovery, but something tells me we are in no ordinary business cycle recession here.

  2. " Y in location Z still believe Obama is really a Replicator colony from Stargate SG-1 or a Super Skrull or a T-1000 or Tron 2.0..."

    This of course is totally unlike the sure knowledge we all have that George Bush and family are all lizard people.


    The lunatics are running the asylum and it doesn't look like that will change by the next election cycle. (from the sound of FOX we already ARE in the next election cycle.)

    I continue to hold out hope that good and positive change will be coming, but this draining process of wingnut crazy attacks on policies to help the country and bizaro-fools loony assumptions on Obama's birth, "death panels", and guns in every "cold dead hand", has caused us to forget or at least put off remembering all the REALLY scary stuff that actually happened with Rove, Cheney and Bush running the world.
