Friday, August 7, 2009

Town Hall Blitz, Part 3

Something's gotta give sooner or later. From Greg Sargent:
An official with SEIU, which has been sending members to town halls to counterbalance the Tea Party brigade, sends over this audio of a phone call the union says it received on its central voicemail system, threatening to teach union officials a thing or two about “the Second Amendment”…

The call seems to refer to reports today to scuffles in St. Louis between SEIU members and town hall rowdies.

“I suggest you tell your people to calm down, act like American citizens, and stop trying to repress people’s First Amendment rights,” the caller says. “That, or you all are gonna come up against the Second Amendment.”

Health care.

People threatening violence and harm over health care. Such a rich vein of irony to be mined.

This country is insane. The rest of the universe is having a hell of a laugh at our expense when we have people implying violence over an American's right to health care. I mean really, what are these people going to do, shoot somebody who doesn't have health insurance so they have to eventually file bankruptcy because they can't cover the medical bills to fix the gunshot wound?

It's insanity. I'm going to go hit the bar or something.


  1. It's your side that's bringing out union thugs to squash people speaking out, expressing their concerns and asking hard questions of their representatives.

  2. Really, Servius? That's "my side" squashing people speaking out?

    Is it "my side" telling people to "hurt them. Badly" or hanging Representatives in effigy?

    I don't think so.

  3. Seriously, Servius! If you mean by "hard question":
    1. Who is the current King of France?
    2. When did you stop beating your wife? or
    3. Why don't you shut up?
    then I guess you've got a point.

    C. Walker

  4. Union Thugs Assault Black Conservative Outside Dem Town Hall Forum in St. Louis

    And yes, hard questions like, What exactly is a Health care choices commissioner?

    How is it we're free to keep the insurance we have when employers are incented to throw us into the public option?

    It seems to me this whole thing is about removing out choices.
