Friday, September 25, 2009

The Forms Of Kanly Must Be Properly Observed

So, Iran's been hiding a secret nuke processing facility, which we knew about, but then the Iranians found out we knew about it, and decided to tell the IAEA "Well, umm...we're building a secret nuke facility that you might want to know about..."

The forms of Kanly and all. Now Obama can call them out on it (because Iran was cheating, and they caught us catching them cheating), which he did this morning along with Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy.

Obama, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- all in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for a G-20 economic summit -- accused Iran of intentionally hiding its nuclear facilities from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

They threatened a stiff response if Iran fails to conform to international obligations regarding nuclear development.

Iran's newly unveiled uranium enrichment facility "is inconsistent with a peaceful (nuclear) program," Obama said. "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow."

He called on Iran to "take concrete steps" to demonstrate it will comply with its international obligations to ensure its nuclear program is for civilian use and not a covert weapons program.

Brown said international leaders were prepared to impose "further and more stringent" sanctions against Tehran.

The "level of deception by the Iranian government" will "shock and anger the whole international community ... and harden our resolve," he said. There is "no choice but to draw a line in the sand."
Funny how the practical upshot of all this is a very convenient time to have multiple Western leaders call out Iran internationally and use basically the exact language we were using with Saddam Hussein in 2002. If you believe Iran just happened to find out that we knew all about this facility and coincidentally just happened to find out ahead of the yearly UN/G-20 meetings of world leaders this week, then I have a bridge in Tel Aviv I'd like to sell you...

1 comment:

  1. Another practical upshot of all this might be that Obama administration takes us into a war with Iran.
