Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Having Your Cake And Eating It Too

The lesson of Speech To Childrengate: wingers can keep their kids home from school while talking heads go on record and praise the President's speech at the same time. This counts as a win-win by the Village.
GINGRICH: My daughter Jackie Cushman just wrote a column in which she said, “if the president gives a speech as a parent to students to encourage them to learn and stay in school, it is a great thing for him to do.” It was a good thing for Ronald Reagan to do. It was a good thing for George H. W. Bush to do. And I’ve been communicating with Arne Duncan and the team at the Department of Education. I believe this is going to be posted, people are going to be able to see it in advance, it’s going to be a totally positive speech, and if that’s what it is, then it is good to have the president of the United States say to young people across America: Stay in school, study and do your homework. It’s good for you and it’s good for America.
So, Republicans get to support the President's positive message, and the winger nutjobs get to attack the messenger by keeping their kids home or simply demanding schools not carry the speech at all. The Village nods their heads and says that the Republicans are right to praise the speech, and that the wingers are right by exercising their rights not to have their kids hear it, and isn't it unfortunate that the President politicized all this in the first place...

Keep capitulating, Barack. It's working great so far!


  1. How is the education speech an example of Obama capitulating? He is still giving the speech, and I doubt he changed it once wingnuts did their thing. This is just more of the media failing to act as a check on power lying to the people.

  2. The first response from the White House was to "revise the text of the speech", then after that was releasing the full text of it.

    There was no reason to revise the speech.
