Thursday, September 17, 2009

If It's Thursday...

Jobless claims still at 545K, continuing claims up to 6.23 million. Still bad news for any chance of serious recovery. Also, new housing starts down 32% from this time last year.

Bad news all the way around.


  1. no no no you are looking at things ALL WRONG !!! helicopter ben sez the gd recession is over and that's that and get the credit cards back out and git out there and do your gd patriotic duty !!!

    ya hear ????????????????????

    jeebus you nattering nabobs of negativity ....

  2. CNN Poll: Public not as optimistic on economy as Fed Chairman

    A new national poll indicates that Americans are not nearly as optimistic about the economy as the chairman of the Federal Reserve seems to be.

    Eighty-six percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday morning say they think the US is still in a recession, with 13 percent saying the nation's economic downturn has ended. According to the poll, 42 percent say the country is in a serious recession, 35 percent call it a moderate recession, and one in ten characterize it as a mild recession.
