Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last Call

Via Steven D at the Frog Pond, I'd like you to meet Las Vegas pawnbroker and gun salesman Glen Parshall.
Mr Parshall, though, is not just a businessman for whom the recession is a boon. He is also one of the out-riders for libertarians who believe that America under Obama is turning into a socialist state.

I do not exaggerate.

"We've got someone who is an out-and-out Marxist, a total socialist, who is trying to put everything under government control," Mr Parshall told me.

"There's a lot of people that are rising up," he says.

He and other self-described "free-thinkers" make much of Thomas Jefferson's statement: "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I asked him whether, given the taking over of America by a socialist, violence against Mr Obama would be legitimate.

"If they don't start conforming to our constitution, we may have to rise up in arms and take our country back," Mr Parshall replied, though he says that would be a last resort if elections did not do the job first.

And there's a hell of lot of people out there who believe exactly like Glen Parshall does, that violence against Obama and the government may be justified.

The really chilling thought is that there are people in this country who think the time for that violence has already come.

Night, folks.


  1. You know, at the risk of being an ITG, it's really tempting to say "You know what? Let it come. They're not the only ones capable of violently defending what they believe in."

    Then I realize that it that violence has no point but to distract everyone from the real problems.

    Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. These people are defending those who wouldn't give them the time of day, much more than anything beyond table scraps.

  2. As an aside, here's a Flickr set about the the 9-12 Super Teabag Rally:

    Enjoy. Or don't. But then I don't think you need any further explanation about what's going through these idiots' minds anyways.
