Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lucy Yanks The Football, Take 235

Republicans: still no intention whatsoever to allow health care reform legislation to pass. Democrats: still unable to learn from the obvious past events that Republicans will never negotiate on good faith on anything while a Democrat is in the White House, least of all something like health care reform.
Democrats are bracing themselves for a new line of conservative attack against a provision in the health care legislation once considered so non-controversial that it was endorsed by several major Republican officials.

On Tuesday, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) described the health care legislation being considered by the Senate Finance Committee as a "stunning assault on liberty" due to a provision that would require individuals to buy insurance.

Earlier in the week, the individual mandate also came under attack when Tim Phillips, who heads Americans for Prosperity, described it as an assault on individual liberty.

"When you have health care, that's a choice that impacts yourself," Phillips told MSNBC's Hardball. "Drivers' insurance impacts other drivers you may have accidents with."
Yep, that's right: Republicans are now attacking Obama on health care mandates, even though every Republican health care idea put forward includes mandates, the insurance industry, big pharma and doctor's groups support mandates, and that they are key to controlling costs.

Now mandates are an attack on liberty and Obama is the most evil fascist dictator in world history.

At what point do the Democrats realize that the Republicans will never work with them in a bi-partisan manner, that the Republicans in Washington will do anything to regain their former power and will do anything for their own interests above anyone else's? In short, when do the moron Democrats get the point that the Republicans want to eliminate them and anyone who would vote for them from having any power at all?

They won't. They'll keep offering like idiots, and the Republicans will simply break any deals and stomp on them the moment it becomes politically viable to do so. Everything the Dems are trying to do ends up just another chunk of firewood used to burn Obama in effigy. As Aravosis says:
Our party, and our advocacy groups, are run by freaking morons.

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