Monday, September 28, 2009

Obama Derangement Syndrome, Farmville Edition

Via Bob Cesca's place, NPR has the story:
A blog called The Political Carnival is getting credit this afternoon for calling out the ridiculous "Should Obama be killed?" poll that showed up on Facebook over the weekend (and is now being investigated by the U.S. Secret Service).

GottaLaff, one of the blog's authors, pointed out the offensive post last evening. Today, says GottaLaff, the Secret Service tracked her down to say thanks for having posted a screen grab of the poll.

Facebook, the company, had nothing to do with the poll, according to spokesman Barry Schnitt. It's no longer on the site.

Nice. "Should Obama be killed?"

Proof that John Gabriel's Greater Internet F'ckwad Theory is in full effect. Combine that with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and you get Facebook polls asking if the President should be assassinated.

Yeah, but it's okay because liberals did that to Bush, right?


  1. Its a shame of what this country have come to god bless us all and may the lord protect us..

  2. I don't want any god to protect or bless us. I want people to either get a goddamn clue, shut up, or die off before they do any harm.
