Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thanks Joe!

I have to admit, Joe Wilson may have actually done more for Obama's cause last night than Obama did himself. If there's a seminal moment that sums up how little respect the GOP has for the President and how utterly disinterested Republicans are in doing anything but name-calling, obfuscation and outright lying themselves, Joe Wilson's idiotic outburst sealed the deal.

Yes, Virginia, the Republicans have been this way for years now. And I think Americans were reminded last night why the Democrats won running away in 2008.

[UPDATE 1:11 PM] Kevin at Rumproast has an excellent roundup of blog reaction to Obama's speech, Joe Wilson, and the public option. Not everyone on the left was happy with the speech, some were not even remotely happy with it. But as I said, the speech wasn't aimed at me, but at Congress and to an extent, centrists on the fence.

Far too late at this point to substantially change anyone's mind other than the still undecideds.


  1. You'd think that, given GOP attitude, Obama could have left out the part about "best ideas of both parties" out of his speech. What are these wonderful GOP ideas, anyway? There is no equivalence here whatsoever! Centrism will be the death of us all.

  2. assklown's opponent in the next race has jumped all over this and has raised over $400,000 since joe opened up his pie hole.

    just read it over at the great orange satan.

  3. Rob Miller Raises Over $500,000 Since Son of the Confederacy Jumpin' Joe Wilson's Outburst

    The money is still coming in for Iraq War veteran Rob Miller, the Democratic House candidate who has received a flood of donations since incumbent Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) shouted "You lie!" during President Obama's speech last night.

    The DCCC just announced that in the time since the Wilson outburst, Miller has received more than $500,000, from over 14,000 individual contributors.

    Think about this: It isn't even the main campaign season yet, and nevertheless a cool half-million has come in online for Miller in less than 24 hours.

    can we all say on behalf of the Republican Representative from South Carolina

