Wednesday, September 30, 2009

That's It, It's Officially "The Left Is Just As Crazy" Day

The Wingers have now absolved themselves of everything remotely nasty ever said at a health care Town Hall Blitz thanks to Florida Democrat Alan Grayson.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) warned Americans that "Republicans want you to die quickly" during an after-hours House floor speech Tuesday night.

His remarks, which drew angry and immediate calls for an apology from Republicans, were highlighted by a sign reading "The Republican Health Care Plan: Die Quickly."

Veteran Tennessee Republican Jimmy Duncan abandoned customary reticence to chastise Grayson.

"That is about the most mean-spirited partisan statement that I've ever heard made on this floor, and I, for one, don't appreciate it," Duncan said.

"It's fully appropriate that the gentleman return to the floor and apologize," said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, another Tennessee Republican.

And actually, Grayson should apologize and clarify his statement and say "You know, the Republicans don't want you to die. They only wants traditional Democratic voters to die. And they are bastards for it. They don't give a damn about health care reform for Americans, they only care about political power. Screw them with a chainsaw. San Dimas High School football rules."

Which probably explains why I'm not a Capitol Hill aide and speechwriter.

How is that any different that the hundreds of Republicans who said the President wants to kill people with "Death panels"? Should they also apologize? Sarah Palin? Newtie? Bachmanniac? Glennsanity? El Rushbo?

Still waiting on those apologies...and what about YOU LIE!?

Hmm? Hundreds of Republicans on TV can do whatever they want. One Democrat calls them out on it, it's breathtaking and shocking and the wiorst thing ever.

Republicans are truly bastards. My country for a real opposition party to the Dems.


  1. Grayson ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    did you catch Taibbi's post on him the other day ?????

    HILARIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congressman who went werewolf on me now spooks Fed officials

  2. Grayson defiant about 'die quickly' remark

    Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) mocked Republicans Wednesday who demanded he apologize for saying that they want people who get sick to "die quickly."

    "I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America," Grayson said on the House floor.
