Saturday, October 3, 2009

Blame It On Rio

The unrestrained Wingnut glee in "Obama's crushing defeat" in yesterday's rather stunning loss of Chicago as the site of the 2016 Olympics is summed up by HuffPo's Sam Stein.
Upon being informed of the news, a gathering of conservatives at the Americans For Prosperity -- one of the main organizing groups behind the tea party protests -- erupted in applause. They cheered once more after they were told that Chicago had been eliminated during the first round of voting.
Nice guys, conservatives. But it gets worse:
Around the same time, RedState's Erick Erickson took glee in Chicago - and, by extension, Obama's - rejection.

"Hahahahaha," he wrote. "I thought the world would love us more now that Bush was gone. I thought if we whored ourselves out to our enemies, great things would happen. Apparently not. So Obama's pimped us to every two bit thug and dictator in the world, made promises to half the Olympic committee, and they did not even kiss him."

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, meanwhile, wrote that the news effectively ended the Obama campaign motto of "Yes We Can" by dawning in a new slogan: "No, You Can't."

"This is a big win and a massive relief for taxpayers," she wrote. "But Chicago cronies are not going to take this well. Gird your loins."

Story continues below

The National Review Online called the episode an "embarrassment for Obama," before adding the predictable conservative ribbing: "If he can't work his personal magic with the Olympians, why does he expect it to work with the Iranians?"

Rush Limbaugh called it "the worst day of his presidency," adding that Obama "has failed" and the entire episode was an illustration of Obama's "Mars-sized ego."

The Drudge Report -- topping them all -- blared the headline: "THE EGO HAS LANDED

They hate Obama so much that they look for his failure and their own vindication in everything he does, to the point where average Americans are scratching their heads going "What the hell is wrong with these guys?"

And I guarantee every single of one of these idiots would be calling for a boycott of the 2016 games if this same first-round rejection had happened to President McCain.

But this is the worst day of Obama's already failed presidency, apparently. And people wonder why these guys lost in 2008.

[UPDATE 7:56 PM] TBogg notes the Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes is now fully expecting the Village to turn against President Ofailure's failed faily presidency of abject failure to prove they aren't in the President's back pocket.

And even Fred Barnes (Fred Barnes!) knows that only fools bet on long shots because they have failed to weigh all of the available evidence and tend to think not with their heads but with their ---

Sorry. What? Oh...

Standard editor Fred Barnes recalled being “struck by how smart Palin was, and how unusually confident. Maybe because she had been a beauty queen, and a star athlete, and succeeded at almost everything she had done.” It didn’t escape his notice, too, that she was “exceptionally pretty.”

Well yeah, but what about that time when the Huffington Post asked 27 Very Smart People (including Karl Rove, George Will, Ed Rollins, and Morton Kondrake) on 11/2/2008 who was going to win the election and all 27 of them picked Barack Obama---

What? Oh, one person didn't:

Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard editor
Winner: McCain
Electoral College: Obama 252 McCain 286
Senate Seats: 55 Democrats 43 Republicans
House Seats: 255 Democrats 180 Republicans

How bad was that? Even Mark Halperin (Mark Halperin!) got it right, and I'm pretty sure that he's brain damaged.

Because the only thing matters in America to the Wingnuts is that Obama fails.

[UPDATE 2 8:10 PM] Steve Benen has more. And yes, the Wingers are actually saying if the Obamas hadn't gone to Copenhagen, we might have won. And actually, what counts as "we" and "America" to these assclowns anyway?


  1. On the other hand, wingnuttery aside it probably is better for the large majority of the people of Chicago that this fell through. Their city would have been chaosified, a small group of fatcats would have made a lot of money while Joe Average got nothing except maybe a city tax hike, and when it was over the city wouldn't have gained anything permanent of much value or use.

    (Me, I liked the idea that the bid failed because the kings of corruption in the IOC were too afraid of FBI stings to come to Chicago and do "business" there.)

  2. Traveling while brown to the U.S. sucks. I just don't think the U.S. has gotten it's collective mind together yet to host international events.

    Gawd Malkin really does over use the "gird your loins" cliche but then Malkin herself is a conservative cliche.
