Thursday, October 8, 2009

Circular Fireworks

As I noted yesterday, Bob Dole has gone over to the Forces of Light here on health care, calling out Mitch McConnell and the Party of No and saying Republicans need to get on the Obamacare bus.

The Wingers have now promptly disowned the man and are threatening REVOLUTION!!111! and stuff. Daily Pundit's Bill Quick:
Afraid they cannot hold their members? Those members had better fear that they cannot hang on to their seats.

If the GOP helps pass socialized medicine, it is dead to me and, I suspect, dead to a whole lot of other folks as well.

Robert Stacy McCain:
Are we talking about the same Republican wussies who endorsed Charlie Crist in Florida? The effeminate weaklings who supported John McCain for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination? So far as anyone can tell, there is not a single Republican in the Senate who possesses a sound brain, a straight spine and a functioning set of testicles.
Another Black Conservative's Clifton B:
I am actually embarrassed at this point to admit that I voted for this fool. We really must make an all out effort not to vote for ninnies like Dole in 2010 and beyond. Republicans like Dole are the reason this nation keeps drifting leftwards towards socialism. These Republicans would not know a conservative principle if you wrote one on their foreheads and stood them in front of a mirror.
TrogloPundit's Lance Burri:
Well thank God for Bill Clinton, then. Five words I never thought I’d say.
The Blogprof:
“Dead to me” is putting it mildly.

If they help pass this monstrosity, consider me a sworn enemy of the Republican Party.
In the immortal words of Lawrence Fishburne in Osmosis Jones, "Somebody get me a towel, cause it's gonna get mes-sy."

It's like Ouroboros, only it's made of Teh Stupid. Watching it devour itself is kind of funny. Like I said, they have no choice but to double down on derangement. They've made that bed, now they have to roll around in the bedbugs.

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