Friday, October 30, 2009

Deficit Hocks

What Digby Said applies yet again on the loud, idiotic complaining about the deficit in the middle of a major economic recession and a massive housing depression.
Now that GDP has blipped up a tiny bit, expect these guys to start their song and dance in earnest. Ans yet, as Greider writes, there is every reason to believe that much more is going to be needed. But as far as these true believers are concerned, the crisis has past, now it's time to bleed the patient.
The people responsible for the economic mess of course cannot expected to pay for it. You and I are. Anytime you hear anyone complaining about the deficit, it means "I don't want to pay for this mess we helped to create. I think the rest of America should instead."

The only solutions these folks have is yelling "We need more tax cuts on America's wealthy and to cut federal spending!" All of it, the Club For Growth, the Tenthers, the government is bad people, the deficit screamers, the social program cutters, exist to turn America back to the Gilded Age where the privileged few control everything, and the rest of us exist to suffer.

Granted, we're not far from that now. But now the Lords have Glenn Beck to convince the peasants that the only way to stop being enslaved by the Other in the White House is to accept serfdom and fealty to one's corporate liege instead.

It's really the only American thing to do, serfdom...

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