Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dow 10,000 Maniacs

While Wall Street's partying hard that the Dow closed over 10,000 today and people are now officially asking if the recession is over, remember the answer is "not for 99% of us" as John Cole reminds us.
Why doesn’t everyone just quit doing what they do and go to work on Wall Street? You clearly don’t have to be competent or know anything, because these clowns trashed the economy and then ran around for months yelling hoocoodanode all while taking bailout money. Then, they turn around and take those taxpayer loans at low interest and the taxpayer guarantees, loan them back to the taxpayer at a higher interest rate, collect their vig, call it a profit, and then give themselves billions in bonuses because they are in the black again and happy days are here again. And half the public is so beaten down and broken they will look at all this and say “Hey, but isn’t it a good thing that Wall Street is profitable again?”

I mean we won, right?

1 comment:

  1. notes that that $10,000 is only $7,537 in the dollars of the day that the Dow hit 10,000 for the first time (29 March 1999, I believe).
