Monday, October 19, 2009

Epic Golf Is A Four-Letter Word, So Is Fail

GOP Rep. Steve Buyer of Indiana should perhaps change his name to Steve Seller, as Justin Elliott at the Muck reports.
Last we checked, Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN) was maintaining that he had nothing more than a casual connection to the Frontier Foundation, which has collected lots of money from industry groups seeking to curry favor with Buyer, spent a lot on travel, meals, and salary, but given out nothing for its stated purpose of helping students get through college.

Now, after several media outlets questioned the legitimacy of the setup, Buyer is pushing back and he has a totally new story: the foundation is his, after all, and his selfless efforts to help poor Indiana children are now the focus of "vicious and ugly" attacks.

Oh yeah, and even though everything is on the up-and-up, Buyer has decided to review the foundation's activities and potentially change how it operates.

But wait, there's more!

Buyer now admits to the Indianapolis Star that a lot of those unitemized foundation expenses were for golf outings with corporate donors at, among other places, Disney World, the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas, and the Phoenix-area Boulders resort.

Not to worry, though -- Buyer tells the paper he doesn't even enjoy the trips, saying it's "not fun for me" and the travel is "work."

So, if I'm getting this straight, Buyer here is in charge of a questionable college scholarship foundation that has never actually given away a college scholarship and when he gets busted on that he doubles down and says "you guys are picking on us!" while admitting yes, the foundation paid for golf junkets.

To Walt Disney World.

Yeah. This guy's screwed.


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