Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grandma Got Run Over By SKYNET

At this point, the Wingers are going for absolute broke on the "scaring the Depends off seniors" front.
A new mailer being sent to senior citizens warns that Democratic-considered health care reform would result in the rationing of care and the creation of a massive database that would endanger the privacy of personal medical information.

Authorized by the Senior Citizens League, the piece seems tantamount to the Holy Grail of health care reform scare-tactic mailers.

Sent out under a cover letter from former Congressman David Funderbruk (R-N.C.), the literature starts by raising the frightful specter of private medical data become widely accessible to the public.

"How would you like it if your doctor, your clinic, or other healthcare providers -- without either your knowledge or consent -- gathered up your, along with your family's medical history, and sent your most intimate conversations to a central data bank in Washington D.C. to become a part of the largest computer network ever created?" Funderburk writes.

And then that computer network full of your health care information will attain sentience and quickly determine that America's seniors MUST DIE.

It will then send out Islamofascist Terminator robots to kill all old people. With that accomplished, SKYNET will then determine that the only way to save humanity is to destroy it utterly.


Only John Connor will be able to save us from Obamacare.

Seriously guys, you're not trying hard enough. I wonder which lameass Republipuke is behind this one.

The accompanying, seven-question survey, pushes many of these same points: warning seniors that their private medical information will be hacked, their care rationed and their medical priorities handed over to government bureaucrats.

Health care reform, of course, pushes no such rationing. Instead, Democrats along with the administration and even some congressional Republicans have argued that advance health information technology and coordinated care could cut down on unnecessary administrative costs -- in the process, allowing doctors to provide better, more efficient treatment.

The Senior Citizens League doesn't acknowledge these points. Instead O'Connell's claims are footnoted to former New York Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey -- a highly partisan and largely discredited voice in the debate.

DING DING DING! Yes, the loudmouth that killed Hillarycare is at it again, trying to scare the crap out of America's seniors.

Not this time, honey. This time, the good guys win. If the Wingers are down to playing the last card in their deck already, then the Dems have won this one.

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