Friday, October 30, 2009

The Hand That Feeds You

At what point do the Dems finally admit they've have enough of Joe F'ckin Lieberman?
Sounding more like an independent than a Democrat, Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., tells ABC News he will campaign for some Republican candidates during the 2010 midterm elections and may not seek the Democratic Senate nomination when he runs for re-election in 2012.

"I probably will support some Republican candidates for Congress or Senate in the election in 2010. I'm going to call them as I see them," Lieberman said in an ABC News "Subway Series" interview aboard the U.S. Capitol Subway System.

Lieberman infuriated fellow Democrats in 2008 by supporting Republican presidential nominee John McCain as well as congressional candidates Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y.

The moves nearly cost Lieberman his chairmanship of the Commerce Committee, but after promising to be a loyal Democrat he was allowed to keep his gavel.

Yeah, how's that loyalty thing coming along?

Seriously, the guy campaigned for McCain. He's threatening to kill Obamacare. Now he's saying he'll openly campaign for Republicans in the Senate. At what point do the Dems finally say "You're gone?"

Before or after he spikes health care?

1 comment:

  1. I figured things would turn out this way, but I felt was worth a shot. Now there is absolutely no benefit in keeping this jackass in the caucus.

    Frustrating little a-hole. Arggh.
