Thursday, October 15, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

John Cole asks:
This really sums it up, doesn’t it:
A key House committee on Thursday passed legislation reining in the multitrillion-dollar market for financial derivatives.

The House Financial Services Committee passed the bill on a 43-26 vote, with only one Republican, Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.), siding with all Democrats.

The bill is the first in a series of measures the Obama administration and congressional allies are pushing to remake the financial system. House leaders are eyeing votes in November, while it may take more time for the Senate to consider legislation.

Exactly what would have to happen before Republicans would agree to regulation of a sector of the economy that could bring down the house? The financial crash of 2008 was not enough?

Well, for that to happen we'd have to have something totally crazy happen like a housing depression errm the doubling of unemployment ahhh the dollar collapsing ummm putting taxpayers on the hook for trillions oh screw it, I don't understand the jagoffs either.

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