Monday, October 5, 2009

Kenneth The Governor Tries Again

Bobby Jindal has some advice for Obama on health care reform.

Washington is the only place in the country that doesn't realize that this debate is over. Democrats may march forward anyway, but they will do so without the people, and at their own peril.

Yet hope for meaningful reform need not be lost. Only two things need to happen. First, Democrats have to give up on their grand experiment and get serious about bipartisan solutions. Second, Republicans have to join the battle of ideas.

To be clear, the Republicans in Congress who have led the opposition to the Obama-Pelosi vision of health-care reform have done the right thing for our country. If they had rolled over, the results could have been devastating for our health-care system and our nation's budget.

But Republicans must shift gears. Conservatives should seize the mantle of reform and lead. Conservatives either genuinely believe that conservative principles will work to solve real-world problems such as health care or they don't. I believe they will.

The people do not want Republicans to offer their own thousand-page plan to overhaul health care, and that is not what the nation needs.

The debate's over! The Democrats have been defeated! The Republicans are in charge and can reform health care any time now as voters have overwhelmingly put the GOP in as our leaders!

Wait, what do you mean the Republicans are the minority party?

[UPDATE 3:03 PM] And his list of fixes is...tada! The Democratic plan!

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