Monday, October 5, 2009

Last Call

The early numbers on the KY Senate race to replace Jim Bunning shows that the GOP is going to have a difficult time keeping the seat.
A new Rasmussen poll in the open Senate race in Kentucky, where incumbent GOP Sen. Jim Bunning is retiring, shows a potentially close race in this red state, with high undecideds all around.

There are currently two Republican candidates, Secretary of State Trey Grayson and Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist and son of Ron Paul. Competing for the Democratic nomination are Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo, who narrowly lost as the Senate nominee against Bunning in 2004, and state Attorney General Jack Conway.

Grayson leads Mongiardo by 44%-37%, and Paul leads Mongiardo by 43%-38%. Conway ties with Grayson at 40%-40%, and Conway narrowly leads Paul by 42%-38%. The margin of error is ±4.5%.

If even Rasmussen finds this one close, the GOP is in serious, serious trouble. If the GOP is correct and America is already sick of Obama and the Democrats, then this race should be an easy win and the Republicans should be running away. The fact that this race is within the margin of error says volumes about the GOP right now.

If they can't post a commanding lead now, when Obama has supposedly failed enough to doom the Democrats, how come they are still competitive in Kentucky? Obama hasn't passed any of his agenda yet. This is certainly Teabagger country, too.

Yet both Dems are able to make this a close race against both Republicans. That to me says the GOP's in trouble, even this early on.


  1. Rand Paul is for the people, unless you want your children to have human implant RFID chips, a National ID card and create a North American Union and see an economic collapse far worse than the great depression. Support Rand Paul he speaks the truth and the media and government is afraid of him. This is the last honest politician left to bring this country out of this rut from the War Profiteers and obama Administration has created. Get motivated America, don't believe the lies of the media! Go Rand Paul! Value Freedom and Liberty instead of corporate lies and corruption. Bypass this media blackout they are doing to Rand Paul, tell your family and friends and get involved in a local group at make your voice heard! He will end the War In Iraq immediately, He will eliminate the IRS and wasteful government spending, and eliminate the Federal Reserve and restore power to the people and the only person running who won't be a member of the CFR. Can any other runner make these claims or give Americans the true freedom we were all raised to believe? We are all economic slaves to the banks and the illegal federal Reserve. This is why our currency is worth nothing because of Hidden Inflation Tax and the IRS taking everything you make!


    Rand Paul will NEVER vote:

    * to raise taxes
    * for an unbalanced budget
    * to raise congressional pay
    * for a federal restriction on gun ownership
    * to increase the power of the executive branch

    He WILL vote:

    * against the Iraq war
    * against the inappropriately named USA PATRIOT act * against regulating the internet
    * against the Military Commissions Act

    He will eliminate the IRS, Wasteful Government Spending & Stop The Iraq War Immediately! Most importantly, he will vote NO on anything in Congress that is not allowed by the Constitution. And he Despises any politican that does not do their job for the people and lives up to the constitution! & Search: "Rand Paul" We In Kentucky Need A Real Senator That Will Restore And Protect Americans! Stop The War! Protect Our Borders!

    *********VOTE RAND PAUL 2010************

  2. Oh my fucking god, Paultards are coming in two flavors now.
