Monday, October 5, 2009

Orly? Ya Rly! Part 3

The Queen of the Birthers cannot be stopped, you can only try to contain her insanity with logic.

In a 24-page filing littered with all-caps, bold, and underlined text, Birther attorney Orly Taitz is demanding that a federal judge recuse himself in a case that has morphed from a soldier's attempt to resist Barack Obama's orders to what Taitz sees as a prosecution of herself.

Taitz alleges that Judge Clay Land met with Attorney General Eric Holder, who was allegedly spotted at a small coffee shop across from Land's courtroom in Columbus, Georgia, on the day of a Birther hearing. A strange affidavit by one Robert Douglas describes the putative sighting of Holder, sans entourage, who "probably thought he would not be recognized."

Douglas writes:

I looked up and immediately recognized an individual entering and approaching the serving counter, due to his well know [sic] TV displayed distinguishing features: his trim upper lip mustache, not large of stature and general olive complexion.

That alleged sighting is "circumstantial evidence suggesting that, in fact Judge LAND was influenced by prior association or direct ex-parte communications with Attorney General Eric Holder, acting as agent on behalf of de facto President Obama," Taitz writes in her motion.

Yeah, this dude totally saw Judge Land at a coffee shop with Eric holder, discussing ways to destroy Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.

Why, just last week I saw the Queen of England at Subway. She was totally eating a meatball sub and making a mess.

No really, I'm as honest as Orly here.

1 comment:

  1. And this has been the modus operandi for Obama for quite some time. Not back down in the face of pressure, not worry about winning the games in the press or each 24 hour Politico-driven news cycle, all the while grinding out various odds and ends that eventually take the desired shape (it's a poor diamond cutting metaphor, I know).

    While the GOP looks absolutely nuts for tacitly endorsing birthers, deathers, being for Medicare bloat while attacking government run health care, calling Obama an apologist standing up for the corrupted American city of Chicago for the Olympics against poor deserving citizens of Lula and his Communist buddy Hugo Chavez in Rio.... Well I would go on but I would be here all day. So now we have a good chance for a stronger bill than the Village ever thought possible, some real movement on Iran and stopping their drift towards nuclear weapons, and taking a real look at what should be done in Afghanistan despite frothing at the mouth Republicans demanding action now. The GOP lost credibility to denounce Obama on important things, and so long as he pulls through they will be booted from the conversation altogether.

    Color me way way optimistic here, I'll let you keep blasting away at the more pessimistic end because someone has to (and someone needs to check people like me).
