Friday, October 30, 2009

Perspective, Can I Haz Plz?

Bob Cesca provides the Week in Obama:
To review the week:

-HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act
-Lifting HIV/AIDS travel ban
-Hate crimes legislation protecting LGBT citizens
-Defeated entrenched military-industrial complex on the F-18 and other programs
-First positive GDP growth since 2007
-Stimulus created or saved more than 300,000 jobs so far
-Deficit-reducing HCR bills with public option announced in both chambers of Congress
-Restored Intelligence Oversight Board powers
-Ended abstinence-only funding
-$3.5 billion for smart grid technology

In other words, just like Bush.

But it doesn't matter, because he's a crypto-fascist Kenyan usurper corporate lackey empty suit enigma messianic Communist Jimmy Carter Chicago Way Nixonian thug who hates women.

And his wife has these arms, man. These arms.

Seriously, can we finally admit that on the balance of the whole, Obama is 95% of the guy we needed right now?



    Seriously though. I wouldn't say he's 95% of what we needed, but he's still plenty. But then, always want more, so have to keep reaching for that.

  2. How dare you report his successes!? Don't you know that we are only allowed to discuss his failures as president, not the things he does right, which are hardly any, except for all of those really good things you listed.

    I agree, and I think he's easily the best man for the job. I am totally willing to give him all the time he needs to fix what's broken. He has earned that right.

  3. Seriously, can we finally admit that on the balance of the whole, Obama is 95% of the guy we needed right now?

    I can't, sorry. He's still imitating Bush on the "War on Terror", he's appointed bankers to "fix" the banker-caused economic crisis, he's shown no real enthusiasm for any real healthcare reform (or financial sector reform).... Yeah, he's better than Bush (whoopee) and almost certainly better than McCain would have been, but I still want a Democrat in the White House.

    Maybe in 2012...

  4. Because McCain would have been so much better.

    Jesus wept. I hate Obama's economic guys and his DoJ is a joke so far. 95% may be high, it may be 75% realistically.

    But the other choice was McCain and Princess Snowmobile, for god's sakes.

    What if Obama manages to get this health care reform thing passed? What then?
