Monday, October 26, 2009

Searching For Understanding

...On the Teabagger front. Overlooked this one on Friday.

In a message sent this morning to fellow members of the Tea Party Patriots, who had been discussing movement strategy, Richard A. Correa Sr., who identifies himself as a retired sergeant, wrote:

Civil disobedience is the next logical step.

Correa's email, which was obtained by TPMmuckraker, was sent using a U.S. army address.

The email may in fact have been an effort to tone down the fervor among Tea Partiers. It appears to have been a response to a fellow activist, Carol Dietz, who, in her own email sent to the Tea Party group on Wednesday, had argued that the group needed to become more aggressive in its effort to resist the administration. Dietz compared the Tea Partiers to Jews in Nazi Germany, who, she said, "went like sheep quietly to their slaughter."

If you honestly believe that the current Obama domestic agenda of trying to fix the economy through badly needed oversight, wanting to make health care affordable and actually doing something about immigration, education, and the environment is equivalent to "Brownshirts are coming to put you in work camps" then the Bush administration dismantlement of the Constitution in the name of the almighty plenary executive must of had you in the streets with Molotov cocktails and shotguns, right?

Wait, you want those days back? Look folks, there's nothing wrong with civil disobedience. It works as long as you actually keep it civil. You don't like Obama? You have the right not to like Obama. Vote for the other person in 2012. I have my problems with the guy's policies too, especially on the economic and civil liberties fronts. But the talk of armed and open revolution? Obama as a Nazi fascist? Give me a break.

You're fighting to the last man against...what exactly? More wind turbines? Removing the anti-trust exemption from insurance companies? Highway construction projects? What? What is so godwawful terrible about what Obama is doing that you 100% supported Bush when he did it?

Is Obama continuing some of Bush's policies? Yes. I do not support that. But that's not the problem I see the teabaggers screaming about. It's specifically Obama's policies that will destroy this country, apparently...and none of these fools batted an eyelash when Bush did far worse.

So yes, I guess I just don't get it.

1 comment:

  1. racist racists racism.

    that is what this is all about in one gd word.

    those f***ers deny it up and down all day long but that is what it all boils down to.
