Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Snowe Job, Part 4

While New York Democrat Chuck Schumer seems to think that Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada is controlling the Obamacare agenda in the upper chamber, the harsh reality is that Maine Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe is now the one calling the shots.

To keep her support, Snowe said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., needs "to incorporate some of the ideas that have been mentioned (in the Finance Committee) -- to make sure that we contain the cost, that it is budget-neutral."

Snowe pointed out the issue of a public -- or government-run -- health care option was a "line of demarcation between Republicans and Democrats," implying that she would withdraw her support if such an option were included.

She also challenged insurance companies, which she said stood to "gain enormously" from the health care overhaul.

"I think that the insurance companies have to step up to the plate and offer some constructive solutions," she said. "Twenty-nine million more Americans will be entering the system. That's 29 million more customers."

The message is clear: If Reid includes the public option, Snowe will bolt. If Reid doesn't include it, he has a civil war on his hands.

Given Harry Reid's history, who will he support? My money's not on progressives, and anyone betting against Reid bending over backwards to give Sen. Snowe the power to neuter the hell out of Obamacare has only to look at the stimulus bill.

The Snowe Job is coming, and like the avalanche, it starts with a few genuine flakes...

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