Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time For Plan E, Gentlemen

From Publius at Obsidian Wings:
House Democrats are warming to renaming the public option "Medicare Part E." The Hill reports:

Say hello to “Medicare Part E” — as in, “Medicare for Everyone.”

House Democrats are looking at re-branding the public health insurance option as Medicare, an established government healthcare program that is better known than the public option.

Frankly, this should have happened a long time ago. But no time like the present.

Assuming this label catches on, I'm anxious to hear how GOP legislators will distinguish it from the "real" Medicare. "No, no, no. Medicare is much different. We love Medicare. The public option, however, is a threat. It will lead to a government-run, single-payer, socialized coverage system. That's much different than what Medicare does."

In all seriousness, the most valid reason not to call it "Medicare" is that the public option is far less socialized. Even under the most liberal bills, the public option would only be available to a fraction of the public, and even then would have other restrictions such as artificial floors on reimbursement rates, etc.

In short, Medicare is much more liberal than the public option. I doubt, though, that the GOP will adopt this as their main talking point. Instead, we may see a comeback tour for "Medicare will bankrupt us all."

Oh yes, a thousand times yes. Please have the GOP attack Medicare as a result of this. This should have been done long ago and quite possibly if it had we would have a plan signed into law by now.

On the other hand, the GOP has managed to largely discredit itself anyway given their tactics. Not sure this is needed as much as a final push from the White House, but I don't see it hurting, especially when the Winger Auxiliary is resorting to tactics like this to scare seniors.

[UPDATE 9:50 AM] And yet VA Dem Creigh Deeds is in fact now running on opting out of the public option if elected as Governor in November.

Bye, Creigh. Was nice knowing you.

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