Monday, October 26, 2009

Time To Check The ODI Again

It's time to check the Obama Derangement Index, i.e. how far off Rasmussen's "approval index" is from reality.

Today's Rasmussen numbers are -12, and the average for today is 55.8%, meaning that we're at an impressive ODI number of -17.8%, which is pretty much a new record.

1 comment:

  1. i hated / loathed the previous administration as much as the next normal sane person.

    but i had to recently stop doing work for a couple that refused to turn off fox/limbaugh and thus were reduced to faoming at the mouth retards. i couldn't take/stand their incessant whining. and since 20 january 2009 it just got worse and worse each time i saw them. fox/limbaugh are really racheting things up.
