Friday, October 30, 2009

Why I'm Still Not Worried About The GOP In 2010

Number of GOP co-sponsors for Harry Reid's Senate resolution this month to delcare the week of October 25-31 as National Hispanic Media Week: zero.

Number of GOP co-sponsors for House GOP Rep. Mike Spence's resolution this month to honor the 1.93 Million Invisible Teabagger March: seventy-five.

I'm not worried that the GOP will somehow magically take over Congress next year because they're doing everything they possibly can to lose.

[UPDATE 10:51 PM] Not even FOX News viewers think the economy is Obama's fault, via Dave Weigel.
Here’s a somewhat surprising result from the new Fox News poll. Asked which president is “more responsible for the current state of the economy,” only 18 percent say President Obama. Fifty-eight percent say former President George W. Bush. Nine percent blame both of them. Republicans are the only subgroup of voters who blame Obama, and only by a six-point margin of 35 percent to 29 percent.

What’s striking about this is that the numbers have only marginally gotten worse for President Obama in the three months since Fox News last asked this question. In July, it was 16 percent who blamed Obama and 61 percent who blamed Bush. That is, needless to say, not what Fox News viewers hear when they tune into the network. But it’s essential to understanding why the president remains popular and why Republicans are failing to really capitalize on economic gloom.

2010 is not going to be bad for the Dems. Republicans on the other hand...


  1. After yesterdays "flash tea party" to protest Pelosi's remarks before the press about the combined House health care legislation I am quaking in my boots that it will be a massacre in 2010.

    It's hard out there for a teabagger.

  2. If you're right, the important question then will be: can the Democrats kill some of the Blue Dogs in their midst in the primaries? (And, unlike Joe Lieberman, make them stay dead)?

    My guess is 'no,' not "I [heart] the Middle of the Road" Obama using his influence to, if not provide direct support for the scum, at the very least strongly discourage support for any uppity boat-rocking challengers.
