Friday, October 23, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

To recap, you're supposed to feel bad for the Masters of the Universe as they quit their jobs at companies that were bailed out where Obama's mean ol' pay czar is limiting bonuses. They are quitting in order to work for companies where the pay czar isn't cutting pay, where they expect to make mad crazy bonuses again right up until the next bubble pops.

You're then supposed to scream and whine at the horrible Obama administration for not paying these wonderful examples of humanity the hundreds of millions in bonuses at taxpayer expense they supposedly earned, earned by instituting practices and financial products that wrecked our entire economy.

You're supposed to be equally angry that the "consequences of such government interference" is to rob the financial industry's largest companies of the brilliant leadership that got America into this giant quagmire in the first place.

And then, if you're like me, you laugh at the entire notion of such stupidity and you wish these multi-million dollar assholes good luck while they scrounge enough on savings to make the payment on their third vacation home in Aspen. Such a heartbreaking situation for them. the plight of America's super-rich is so poignant. Remember that when you pay your own bills this month.

[UPDATE 3:42 PM] Digby points out the same people that bemoan the plight of the Financial Exec are the same people that told GM and Chrysler workers and dealers to go Cheney themselves.

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