Monday, November 2, 2009

The Chips, My Watch, The Deed To The Ranch And My Lucky Rabbit's Foot

The Wall Street Journal's editorial board goes all in on defeating Obamacare with a whirlwind tour of discounted GOP talking points direct from August.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told fellow Democrats that she's prepared to lose seats in 2010 if that's what it takes to pass ObamaCare, and little wonder. The health bill she unwrapped last Thursday, which President Obama hailed as a "critical milestone," may well be the worst piece of post-New Deal legislation ever introduced.

In a rational political world, this 1,990-page runaway train would have been derailed months ago. With spending and debt already at record peacetime levels, the bill creates a new and probably unrepealable middle-class entitlement that is designed to expand over time. Taxes will need to rise precipitously, even as ObamaCare so dramatically expands government control of health care that eventually all medicine will be rationed via politics.

Yet at this point, Democrats have dumped any pretense of genuine bipartisan "reform" and moved into the realm of pure power politics as they race against the unpopularity of their own agenda. The goal is to ram through whatever income-redistribution scheme they can claim to be "universal coverage." The result will be destructive on every level—for the health-care system, for the country's fiscal condition, and ultimately for American freedom and prosperity.

Giving Americans affordable health care is the "worst bill ever" according to these clowns. I'll spare you the rest of the ravings on how allowing the protecting the country's largest anti-trust exempt industry is paramount to preserving American freedom (after all, that why we fought the Redcoats back in 1776, to protect our vital insurance companies from King George) but the bottom line is that the WSJ board has decided that protecting them is more important than your ability to afford health care.

Might want to keep that in mind. The closer this bill gets to passing, the worse the attacks are going to be. They're not even pretending on being impartial anymore in the Village.

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