Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Control Issues

Perhaps Republicans should go back to the drawing board on their strategy to attack Democrats on health care.
Judging from the rhetoric in the first day of debate, it would appear that one word is testing well in internal Republican focus groups: "arrogant," which is how they repeatedly described the Democratic approach. On Sunday, minority leader Mitch McConnell was at it again, telling CNN that he does not believe Democratic moderates will allow the bill to pass without significant changes: "I believe there are a number of Democratic Senators who do care what the American people think and are not interested in this sort of arrogant approach that everybody sort of shut up and sit down, get out of the way, we know what's best for you."
Coming from a group of elderly white men whose entire political party is built on telling Americans exactly what they are allowed to do and not do with their bodies, particularly women, that's actually laughable.

It's a nice try, Mitch.  Really.  Snerk.  Republicans would never be so arrogant as to tell a woman what she's allowed to do with her uterus, for example.


  1. It's the Dems that are against choice in any meaningful manner. The free market is the free expression of individual choices and seeking to take over or control that market is to control the choices of the individual.

    Regarding women's bodies. We're not talking about women's bodies but the body of the baby inside. She chose to bring that life into existence and now has a responsibility to protect it.

  2. Yes, all the other parts of a woman's body belong to her except for the uterus.

  3. f*** off servius you asswipe.

    jeebus you make me puke.

  4. Because the right to life ends at birth, Servius?
