Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Election Day Update

As of about 9 PM, the VA Governor's race has already been called for the Republican, Bob McDonnell. Meanwhile in NY-23, Doug Hoffman is already accusing Democrats of stealing the entire election before the polls even closed.
“There are reports that they’re bringing in the troops and they’re bringing in ACORN,” said Hoffman. “I think the Democrats are doing anything they possibly can to steal this election away from the 23rd district.”
Yep, ACORN: the SPECTRE/SMERSH/MAD/VIPER/COBRA/AIM of our time. Only without the cool uniforms.

Really, the major thing that evil global organizations like that all have in common have is a damn cool uniform. You'd think George Soros of all people could afford cool uniforms for his ACORN shock troopers.

More as it comes in. Also, bonus Winger points to Byron York over at the Moonie Times who's trying to convince the world that the Democrats are the ones having the civil war and party schism, and not the Republicans.

You keep on clapping there, By.

[UPDATE 10:15 PM] The AP is calling NJ Governor for Republican Chris Christie.

1 comment:

  1. I posted earlier today about the Dayton mayoral race, the incumbent African American female mayor against a white male lunatic. Guess who's winning with about 75% of the votes counted? Yepper, it's the white guy. I swear, this will be the biggest fiasco when this guy becomes mayor. It will be a joke.
