Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Election Day Wrap-Up

The GOP has claimed victory in Virginia and New Jersey, but lost in their bid to keep NY-23. Mainers voted to overturn the state's same-sex marriage law, but Ohio voters approved casinos in a job-hungry state. Incumbent mayors barely held on in New York and Boston, but runoffs were forced in Atlanta and Houston may get these southern cities new faces.

The message from yesterday's vote? Throw the bums out...and bums in both parties got the boot. But given a clean slate in Virginia, voters went with Republicans there but elected a Democrat for the first time on 140 years in upstate New York.

Jon Corzine's loss in New Jersey is a major blow for Dems. But Doug Hoffman's loss in a blood red district after Dede Scozzafava dropped out is a major setback for the GOP, too.

We'll see what all this means in the months ahead.

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