Thursday, November 19, 2009

Epic Liberals Ate My Civics Homework Fail

I speak tonight of GOP Rep. Virginia Foxx AGAIN, after this time she tried to pass off the GOP as being the party of civil rights legislation.  Luckily, she was rather forcefully corrected by Democratic Rep. Dennis Cardoza of California:
CARDOZA: Today, what I’m hearing on the floor really takes the cake. The gentlelady from North Carolina, in her statement just now, indicated that the Republican GOP had passed the Civil Rights Act legislation with almost no help from the Democrats. I can’t believe my ears. It was the Kennedy and Johnson administration where we passed that Great Society legislation. It was over the objections of people like Jesse Helms from the gentlewoman’s state that we passed that civil rights legislation. John Lewis…
FOXX: Would, would the gentleman yield?
CARDOZA: No, I will not yield. John Lewis, a member of this House, was beaten on the Edmund Pettus bridge to get that civil rights legislation passed. Tell John Lewis that he wasn’t part of getting that legislation passed.
(Here's the video after the jump...)

It's just mind-blowing.  I mean I understand Republicans do not believe in reality, but this is insulting.  Steve Benen provides a history lesson:
This comes up from time to time, and since some confused people like Virginia Foxx have trouble remembering the details, it's worth the occasional refresher. 
The Democratic Party, in the first half of the 20th century, was home to competing constituencies -- southern whites with abhorrent views on race, and white progressives and African Americans in the north, who sought to advance the cause of civil rights. The party struggled, ultimately siding with an inclusive, liberal agenda.

As the party shifted, the Democratic mainstream embraced its new role. Republicans, meanwhile, also changed. In the wake of LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act, the Republican Party welcomed the racists who no longer felt comfortable in the Democratic Party. Indeed, in 1964, Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater boasted of his opposition to the Civil Rights Act, and made it part of his platform. It was right around this time when figures like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond made the transition -- leaving the Democratic Party for the GOP.

In the ensuing years, Democrats embraced its role as the party of diversity, inclusion, and civil rights. Republicans became the party of the "Southern Strategy," opposition to affirmative action, campaigns based on race-baiting, vote-caging, discriminatory voter-ID laws, and politicians like Helms, Thurmond, Pat Buchanan, and Virginia Foxx.
This proud example of ignorance is coming very, very close to earning her own StupidiTag.  My brother lives in her district.  I'm sure he'll be glad to see this video.



  1. I would agree with you except for the fact that you are wrong....I challenge you to look it up yourself. Virginia Foxx is right Republicans overwhelming out voted the democrats in favor of this legislation in both the House and the Senate the Republicans by about 20 percentage points consistantly in favor of the Civil Rights act of 1964, in ... Read Morefact amongst the southern Democrats in congress only 7 out of 94 voted for it! (93% of Democrats opposed it!) , even Senator Byrd (D) of W. Virginia voted against it in the Sentate!

    My favorite part was after Cardoza's impasssionate provocative response about how Jesse Helms opposition to the Civil Rights legislation Virginia Foxx had to remind him that Jesse Helms wasn't even elected to the house at that time

    So if you want to complain about revisionism start with Dennis Cardoza who claims Jesse Helms opposed when he wasn't even around to do so

  2. Well then, the GOP, being the party of civil rights, should have no problem with gay marriage, immigrant rights, repealing DADT and a host of other civil rights initiatives, right?

  3. DEnnis CArdoza is a fucking idiot! I'm unfortunate to live in his district and can say from experience that he is the biggest WHORE in the State of CAlifornia.
