Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guy FOX Day

Steve Benen might be giving Shelly Bachmann too much credit, but she is leading her little field trip de Teabag into the halls of Congress on the Fifth of November.
And when has Bachmann scheduled her Capitol Hill soiree? This afternoon -- November 5 -- a date widely known as Guy Fawkes Night. (You know, "Remember, remember, the fifth of November.") In other words, Bachmann wants to rally right-wing activists, label them an "insurgency," and encourage them to roam the halls of Congress deliberately "scaring" members of Congress, on the infamous date that marks an attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

From a security perspective, if Capitol Police aren't operating at a heightened state today, they're making a mistake.

From a political perspective, I wonder if Republican Party leaders are glad to see a right-wing, deranged lawmaker lead an angry far-right mob through the Capitol. Nothing says "American mainstream" like Bachmann and a confused horde shipped to D.C. by corporate lobbyists.

The symbolism is rich and thick like waffle batter, and Shelly's in the kitchen making breakfast...a breakfast of crazy.

Like I said, I think Steve's reaching a bit on this one, I doubt Bachmann would know Guy Fawkes from Gary Coleman, but that's just me.

Still, this woman is a couple pieces of bacon short of a Denny's Grand Slam breakfast.

[UPDATE 3:05 PM] The Rumpies tell it like it is.

What a shameless, bald-faced liar Bachmann is. This isn’t news, of course. But the depth of her mendacity is still breathtaking. It’s as if she’s up there railing against government-mandated anal probes. She’s not terribly bright, but I’m sure even she knows she’s lying about the “government takeover of health care.”
Of course she does, because if you're a Republican, there's no penalty for lying. Not from the rest of Congress, not from the Village, not from the people, not from anyone.

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