Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Rove Strikes Again

I'm convinced Karl Rove's job is simply to accuse Obama of doing everything his guys did while running the White House.  He now gets paid by the Wall Street Journal to do this, so it must be good money for someone as Steve Benen informs us.
Karl Rove is lecturing the White House on appreciating the consequences of policy decisions? Did Rove ever have to deal with the repercussions of his own misconduct?

At least, however, the almost farcical column is in keeping with Rove's general m.o. Rove ran a White House that embraced a "permanent campaign," so he's accused the Obama team of embracing a "permanent campaign." Rove embraced the politics of fear, so he's accused Obama of embracing the politics of fear. Rove relied on "pre-packaged, organized, controlled, scripted " political events, so he's accused Obama of relying on "pre-packaged, organized, controlled, scripted" political events. Rove looked at every policy issue "from a political perspective," so he's accused Obama of looking at every policy issue "from a political perspective." Rove snubbed news outlets that he considered partisan, so he's accused Obama of snubbing snubbed news outlets that he considered partisan.

A lesser hack may find it difficult to launch political attacks that are ironic, hypocritical, and examples of projection, all at the same time, but Rove is a rare talent.
It's rather sad, but that's all they've got now. They don't have any substantive policy arguments, so they resort to Karl Rove calling people names.

1 comment:

  1. When I read something by Mr. Rove I usually wonder why the other form of prostitution is illegal.
