Thursday, November 12, 2009

My God, It's Full Of Stupid

This. (h/t Balloon Juice)
In many ways, the terror attack at Fort Hood is President Obama's 9/11.
That was said by Red State's Jeff Emanuel over at Politico.

I pretty much have no choice but to nominate this as one of the most completely moronic opening statements to an argument that I have covered here in the last sixteen months on this blog, and this is just the first sentence in one of the worst arguments I've ever read.  It's so packed full of stupid, it's actually crystallized into buckyballs of metastupid, forming a dense, impenetrable structure in a similar way to how carbon becomes diamond or holiday fruitcake becomes food-based Kevlar.

(More after the jump...)

Comparing the Fort Hood shooting to 9/11 in any realistic way not only insults the victims of 9/11, the U.S military, every thinking American and the laws of time and space, but is pretty much the equivalent of saying Grenada was Reagan's World War II, or that Clinton's intervention in Haiti was his Third Punic War.

The Obama Derangement Syndrome has gotten to the point where a man killing 12 people in cold blood is not only completely and totally the fault of the President of the United States of America, but 12 murders is apparently the new threshold to be equated to flying two airplanes into New York City skyscrapers on a Tuesday morning in one of the most heinous acts in modern history.  We now are laying any capital crime committed by any Muslim against any American (Muslim or not) at the feet of Barack Obama as his personal failure to his country.  Like a hunting dog dropping a pheasant with a broken neck at the door, Emanuel drops this on the ground and expects praise for it.

Honestly, what better definition of "Obama Derangement Syndrome" is there than blaming this shooting on Obama and calling it his 9/11?  It's ridiculous on a number of levels to the point of being horrifyingly wrong.

And yet we live in an era where this kind of thing is said regularly with impunity by people who are political analysts and pundits, and are given platforms to speak because they are serious and respected individuals with solid opinions.

It nearly defies explanation.

At what point do we stop taking idiots like this seriously, folks?

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