Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Playing Into The Hands Of The Real Enemy

When the jagoffs over at the American Family Association are calling for the purge of all Muslims from the U.S. military, you just have to shake your head and wonder why these fools are doing Al-Qaeda's work for them.
A chief spokesman for the pro-life, far-right organization, American Family Association, has called for the purging of Muslim soldiers from military ranks in the wake of the tragic killings at Fort Hood.

Bryan Fischer, AFA's Director of Issues Analysis, put up a relatively unnoticed blog post last Friday arguing that U.S. command needed to "stop the practice of allowing Muslims to serve in the U.S. military."

"The reason is simple," Firscher wrote, "the more devout a Muslim is, the more of a threat he is to national security. Devout Muslims, who accept the teachings of the Prophet as divinely inspired, believe it is their duty to kill infidels. Yesterday's massacre is living proof. And yesterday's incident is not the first fragging incident involving a Muslim taking out his fellow U.S. soldiers."

"Of course, most U.S. Muslims don't shoot up their fellow soldiers. Fine. As soon as Muslims give us a foolproof way to identify their jihadis from their moderates, we'll go back to allowing them to serve. You tell us who the ones are that we have to worry about, prove you're right, and Muslims can once again serve. Until that day comes, we simply cannot afford the risk. You invent a jihadi-detector that works every time it's used, and we'll welcome you back with open arms."

Because apparently being a Christian is all about forgiveness, unless the other person isn't a Christian, in which case screw 'em.

So, since we're throwing out all Muslim servicemembers because of Maj. Hasan, can we toss all Christian members of the military out unless they can prove they aren't going to be Timothy McVeigh?

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